
Are your OVERHEAD costs disproportionate to the rest of your business? 

Or are you running so lean that your business is struggling to breathe? 

Let’s get real and savage. 

We are in business to make money – aren’t we? 


The cycle image makes Overheads simple! 


Of all your daily tasks, you need to ask a few questions. Are they essential to moving forward in your business, do you still need to do them, or can you OBLITERATE them? 

If we can’t OBLITERATE them, can we AUTOMATE them? 

Tasks happening on their own?? I know – crazy notion however simple tasks can be automated to help take costs out of a business and increase profitability! 

If we can’t AUTOMATE them, can we DE-SKILL the tasks? 

Basic tasks are handed to junior employees, reviewed by managers and then signed off. This helps keep costs down, profits up and your team is engaged at their own skill level. 

If we can’t DE-SKILL tasks, can we OUTSOURCE? 

Labour rates, penalty rates and the ease of living in a global world makes this a workable solution. When tasks are clearly defined, and processes are well laid out – the answer is clear – OUTSOURCE!! 

If we can’t OUTSOURCE, DELEGATE baby! 

Upskill your staff, have them trained to take on work that takes you away from, working ‘ON’ your business. Stop working ‘IN’ your business!