
Business Agility

When was the last time you had an honest look at your business?  Are you maintaining status quo because it provides a certain degree of comfort?   If the business space in which you operate underwent radical change, would you have the capacity to ride the wave or...

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Celebrating the Wins

Business owners are people who started out with a dream, an idea for what they’d like their business to become. Relatively few of them “feel” they have achieved their goals, regardless of how their business is performing.  I’ve found there are two major reasons that...

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THE FOUNDATION VIRTUE OF EVERY SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS OWNER  Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without it, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically but nothing consistently without Courage  – Maya...

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Almost every business discounts’ – I’m not saying, stop doing it altogether however we need to limit what we offer and constantly review the cost benefit ratio.  What return on investment do you receive from continuously offering discounts?  Sure, there’s volume...

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Don’t be a Financial Ostrich

Getting a Grip on Your Numbers is the only way to pull your head out of the sand and see your business in a true light.  How many times have you thought,” I’m not a numbers person” and “my Bookkeeper/ Accountant take care of that for me!”  Understanding your numbers...

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Funky Financials to Fiscal Fun

Does the thought of preparing your business numbers every month, bring with it a sense of dread and loathing?  Most business owners see the numbers as “Not Fun” or wishing it were not in their job description. However, they can answer some important questions, such...

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How to Keep Debtors on a Tight Leash

What is the old saying, “Start as you mean to Continue”? It is safe to say that when we go into business, we never anticipate that customers will not pay their accounts, either due to forgetfulness or just bad business practices.  Whether you provide products or...

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Are your OVERHEAD costs disproportionate to the rest of your business?  Or are you running so lean that your business is struggling to breathe?  Let’s get real and savage.  We are in business to make money – aren’t we?    The cycle image makes Overheads simple!    Of...

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Preventing Bad Debts

Reducing Financial and Emotional Strain for Entrepreneurs As Entrepreneurs, we all go into business with ideas of making money, working with great people and influencing clients to purchase our goods or services. The pitfalls of reduced cash flow, within our business...

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Sales Without Margin is Not Really a Sale

No one can afford to ignore the margins that their business makes. You can spend all your time and energy putting everything you have into your business, however you may end up with nothing to show for it, if you don’t maintain strong margins.  The most obvious...

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3 Simple Strategies for Small Business Growth

We don’t need to tell you that Business Growth is a necessity rather than an option, all Business owners are aware of this. However, what we can tell you are the THREE simple steps you can implement to help your Business Grow in this fast, ever changing Economy.  High...

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